Thursday, January 22, 2009

Buenos dias de Guatemala. We have done quite a few things things since the last you were updated. On the weekend we attended and helped out a one day vbs with about 70 kids from an area just on the outskirts of Xela. it was at this mans house, well in his living room, so it was definitely a packed show. The theme was Solomon and which included as short feature film and a crown craft, even though we didnt get subtitles for the big flick this time, but I'm pretty sure we all understood it because its been maybe the 3rd or 4th time we've watched this guy. Its a pretty good movie. Games went well, you can never go wrong with a three legged relay race or freeze tag. The kids love it. I will share a team struggle as well, its hard to do one day/3 hr vbs' because you just meet the kids then adios never too see them again. Maybe they are used to it. Especially after we have done a week of vbs'ing the first week. Just a small struggle.
We did a youth event on Sunday where the pastor there wanted us to teach his youth how to study the bible. So we taught them Lectio Divina(where you read the same passage multiple times) and also the question yourself as you read. The who, what, when, where, why, and how of the passage. And also pray as you read. All through a translator. It went pretty well and it was cool to impart some of the things we learn at bible school to youth from a different country. Virgina did her testimony which went very good. The youth from the church did the worship with full transistions and solos, so when it was our turn to take the stage, we had a group consensus that we wont try to sing our spanish worship songs to them, and went straight to the drime.
We had a day off on monday so we went for a little adventure to a glass blowing factory where they melt down the glass and make all shorts of awesome glasswear.We got to just sit watch them make cups and plates and vases. It was awesome. We continued from there up to a set of hotsprings and just relaxed is some steaming hot water that came trickling down the mountain. It almost burned. But thats just my take. We all enjoyed it. The water tasted like salt water with something else in it, I couldn't quite tell, maybe a hint of sulfur.
We have been helping out a brother Desadarios' church in the constructing of the floor. But guatemalan construction is on a different wave-length down here. Its pretty funny. We where supposed to be pouring the concrete, but of course the floor isnt ready yet to be poured, we need to level and put some sand in, and then pack it. This one guy nailed 2 sticks to a cinder block and was packing it away. The building is on an angle because thats the way it fits in-between the two buildings beside it and its about 3600 sq ft. So a machine packer showed up called the ground pounder, but of course it was hard to start and didnt really work that well at all. So steve went and got a good packer that didnt bounce all over, and we started to pack this floor. We were spraying the floor down with water before because it really helped in the packing, but then of course the water stopped working, so we had to order a water truck to come soak the floor. Its pretty awesome.
We are all in good health, thanks for the prayers, we couldnt do it without them. Lauren had her time of sleeping with a bucket and within a good distince from the toilet. But shes better now and ready to finish strong. Please pray for our trip to Huehuetenango as we are going to visit and pray for a old lady and try to get her to take medicine. She has some interesting beliefs about curses, but isnt doing well and needs medicine. Gracias y Dios te bendiga todos.


Nani and Nana said...

Thanks so much Team Guatemala!

You have had some wonderful experiences. Teachers, construction workers, kid inspirers. The kids are indeed the toughest to leave behind. Special blessings and prayers as you go to Huehuetenango to minister to the older lady.

Good job! The Lord will bless!

Jeremy will meet you in Calgary as he has some meetings there over the weekend.

We will debrief, Lord willing, on Tuesday January 27 at 11:15 AM in the Prayer Chapel.

Looking forward to seeing all of you!


Unknown said...

Blessings as you go and breath the Holy Spirit into the old woman's life.

Mama Tovah