Sunday, January 11, 2009

Buenos tardes, hermanos y hermanas en Cristo! Hope you're all doing well back home in Canada. We are all still having an awesome time here in La Esperanza. We finished our first week, bringing the VBS program to a close. I think I speak for all of us when I say that it was exhausting, but such a good time. In the afternoons, we would sing some songs, watch a movie, and then divide the kids up into three groups for crafts, snacks, and games. By the end of the week, we had around 130 kids attending, and we all fell in love with them! The girls were always demanding that the boys lift them on their shoulders and run around. They loved it when Buck would toss them over his shoulder and let them slide down his back. They wouldn't let him quit!

In the evenings we would lead a youth event at a couple churches here in La Esperanza. It was usually an utter gong show, as we never really had a plan for the evening, but everyone had fun. One evening we watched Madagascar. Other times we played some games, shared testimonies, and worshiped together in Spanish and English. It was funny to watch Kyler playing guitar for the Guatemalans. He was at least a head taller than all of them! Thursday evening we had a "bonfire" at one of the churches. Each person that came was supposed to bring a log to burn with a prayer request wrote on it. On Friday evening we had a night of worship and testimonies. It was amazing to see God work through that night. Even though the worship was in Spanish it was awesome to see how we could all worship together. All together we all really enjoyed the youth events!

Friday morning was really nice because we didn't have much to prepare for VBS, so we just hung around at Steve and Elaine's, and played with the children. Lauren, Josh and Kyler helped them wash the truck, which they loved because they got to splash around in warm water. Then the girls had fun braiding Josh's hair. When the boys left, we finally had their attention, and we had a Spanish lesson! Two girls, Keila and Aricely, loved teaching us phrases in Spanish, and then we would tell them how to say it in English. It was amazing, because we acutally communicated for a couple hours, even though we speak different languages. When Keila said "good-bye" in English, the tears almost started flowing already!! (Yes, it's a little pathetic.) So today we are just having a nice, relaxing Sunday, and tomorrow it's back to work, doing some odd-jobs around the retreat center and wherever we're needed. We really appreciate all the prayer so far. We could all use prayer for health, as we're getting run down and a little sick. Thanks so much for the support! Hopefully we'll get another blog up here soon!

Stacey and Virginia


Lynne said... is so good to hear from you. It makes me "homesick" for Guatemala and brings back so many memories...It was fun to hear about what you've been doing and even nicer to see the smiles on the faces of the team and the Guatemalan children. I hope you get enough rest to keep healthy and to be able to enjoy the rest of your time there. Please say hi to Steve and Elaine for us. We will continue to remember you in prayer. Lynne Langager

J and H said...

Buck, the human slide - hilarious.
Thanks for including the pictures. There is a distinct commonality among your team - you love kids well. It's great to see you in action. Know that we continue to uphold you in prayer.
You are blessed. So grateful that you continue to further that blessing to others,
- Jeremy

Jonnie said...

Thank-you so much for the update and for the pictures. It is fun to actually see a little bit of what you're doing and who you're connecting with. We continue to pray for your health and the ministry you're involved in. God's blessings as you continue to serve!

Stephen Davis said...

Wow, awesome pictures guys! It is great to hear from you all. We're really missing you back here but we know that you are serving God in others and we will continue to pray for you!

Team Mongolia said...

Hey Guats!
Sounds like you guys are having a great time and serving in big ways, I love the pictures and all the stories your sharing, try not to cry too much will be okay! Adios Amigos.
Love the Mongols

Rusty said...

wow! its great to hear about all the great stuff that your doing! and seeing all the pics...not gonna lie it kinda makes me jealous. all of you are greatly missed here at the school in -30 weather and I can't wait to hear more of your crazy adventures! Stace and kyler...stay out of trouble! LOVE YOU ALL


Nani and Nana said...

Wonderful update again! Sweet photos!

Thanks for your open hearts and willingness to embrace it all. 1st years are praying for you during intro to Mission this week. We'll ask Him for good heath and strength for all of you in proportion to what each day brings.

Please extend thanks to Steve and Elaine for their hospitality.

Bless you Bless you!!

Rob and Pat