Sunday, January 25, 2009

Greetings and farewell faithfuls

Well here marks the last and final post for you all as we leave for home tomorrow morning dark and early. I would first like to mention that I may have been lying to you in the last post. We visited a 20 yr old girl who had club feet instead of the older no medicine lady. I was informed that Lauren and some others had visited her already last week. She said it quite the experience and depressing. The lady was super skinny and not doing to well. Please continue to pray for her.
Our trip to Huehuetenango was awesome. we visited an old site called the ruins, it was a bunch of old ancient mayan temples and palaces and buildings that are busted up and were re-built in the 50´s sometime. It was pretty cool, and we even met an old mayan priest who was making some candle sacrifices. He was happy to take questions, so we pegged him, and we learnt quite a bit about the mayan religion and some of its practices. there is no more human sacrifices, but we did see a little bowl, up on this temple, that we figured thats where the heads would´ve went.
We continued on the a camp where MVC is doing work. We hiked in and got to suck on some fresh coffee beans of the tree on the way up. Steve showed us the facilites where they are planning to do kids camps soon. We hiked up more and visited some families who lived pretty much on the side of the mountain. a little terrace for their home and some room to dry out coffee beans and a hiking tril down. this is when we met up with the lady who has club feet. She can move pretty good on crutches, and has had 2 of about 8 surgeries down to corrent her feet. She gets kind of sore in her back and her foot that has had some surgeries done already. She doesnt speak spanish, only Maum, which is a mayan dialect that most of the people on the mountain speak. the kids learn spanish at school, but she never got to go to school. it was cool because her brother had been to school and would talk to steve in spanish and to her in maum, and then steve would give us some english translations in there a bit. it was pretty cool. Please pray for this young lady as surgeries arent free around here as far as I know, and for her family as well, her brother packs her in and out on his back from the main trail when she needs to get to town.
Thanks for faithfully praying for us and our encounters and for following our adventures. we will be getting back to Camrose tomorrow at about 5 in the afternoon. We are looking forward to sharing more and to seeing and talking to some of you soon respectively. Adios!

1 comment:

Dale Adventures said...

Hey guys, just wanted to say it was a pleasure getting to know you all and best of luck with the rest of school.
Que Dios les bendigan! Cheers. -Sarah